Abdisalan Mohamed Noor/Popul Health Metr

3 results

Millennium development health metrics: where do Africa's children and women of childbearing age live?.Tatem AJ, Garcia AJ, Snow RW, Noor AM, Gaughan AE, Gilbert M, Linard C
Popul Health Metr, (2013). 11:11

Mapping populations at risk: improving spatial demographic data for infectious disease modeling and metric derivation.Tatem AJ, Adamo S, Bharti N, Burgert CR, Castro M, Dorelien A, Fink G, Linard C, John M, Montana L, Montgomery MR, Nelson A, Noor AM, Pindolia D, Yetman G, Balk D
Popul Health Metr, (2012). 10:8

Using remotely sensed night-time light as a proxy for poverty in Africa.Noor AM, Alegana VA, Gething PW, Tatem AJ, Snow RW
Popul Health Metr, (2008). 6:5